Ronald Acuna Jr. got hit in the forearm by Zack Wheeler in the 6th. He was down for so long Rob Manfred is bringing an injury clock rule to the next owners meeting to be voted on:

Very brave for Acuna to limp to first after being hit in the arm:

Listen, I’m not some fucking meathead who thinks 96 to the arm doesn’t sting. But holy shit Acuna’s giving postgame interviews like he was shot and stayed in the game:

You got hit in the meat of the forearm. Now you’re talking about not missing the entire postseason? Give me a break.

Maybe I’m being ridiculous. Maybe Acuna doesn’t even know who LeBron is. They’re probably polar opposites:

Now was Acuna the reason they lost? Nope that was the worst fielding first baseman in the NL:

But you can’t tell me that didn’t have something to do with Wheeler’s rhythm. I don’t care what he says. He was MOWING Brave after Brave down until he had to wait for Acuna to get his shit together.