The Commies Sent a $14k Check to a Raffle Winner, and it Bounced

Kyle Pagan | October 20, 2022

The Commies being the Commies:

Dan Snyder is your single Uncle Larry who forgets your birthday and gives you a $50 check two months later, but asks you to not cash it before Thursday. Both have also smacked a Hooter’s waitress on the ass.

So how did this happen? The old “bank error” mistake. So you’re telling me someone had to Zelle the Commies fan instead? –

This is like that scene from Semi Pro where the Tropics fan tries to cash in his check for hitting a half court shot:

I think the most embarrassing part is the Commies only raised $28k for a 50/50 during their season opener. That’s like a Tuesday Phillies game in June. The Eagles preseason game against the Jets reached $41k.

Btw, has anyone ever seen someone who’s won the 50/50? Has someone met anyone who’s won the 50/50? I’ve been to a hundred ballgames over my 29 years. I’ve never seen someone get excited about it in my section. I’ve never known someone who’s won. I’ve heard rumors. Like my cousin’s buddy’s sister won in 2016. Never a firsthand account. The 50/50 stinks to high heaven. The Eagles at least announce the winner’s names. John Middleton is definitely using the 50/50 money to finance another one of his son’s Lego movies.