A Red Sox Player Texted Kyle Schwarber During the Playoffs About Stealing "Dancing On My Own"
Red Sox player Kevin Plawecki was on the Baseball Isn’t Boring podcast, where he talked about texting Kyle Schwarber during the playoffs about him stealing Dancing on my Own from the 2021 Sox.
Via Ryan Gilbert at Audacy.com:
“It was just weird, and I talk to Kyle a lot. It kind of started coming about when their first celebration with that song,” Plawecki said. “I texted Kyle, I was like, ‘Buddy, like what the hell’s going on here?’ You know, we just were doing this a year ago. And he’s like, ‘I feel bad. I played it for the guys early on in the year. They obviously loved it and it’s kind of stuck in the playlist.’ I mean I can’t get mad about it, the song is very good.”
I saw a lot of Red Sox fans complaining the Phils stole the song every time CB would put up a clip of the Phillies dancing to it in the locker room. Here’s the thing, if people outside of Boston don’t even know it was your song, is it ever really your song? I mean that Sox team made the ALCS. It’s not like they were a door mat. I never saw videos like this during the playoff run last year:
PLAY THE SONG! pic.twitter.com/NzX2TrKADW
— Crossing Broad (@CrossingBroad) October 11, 2022
It’s like a musician covering a song and making it more popular. Like All Along the Watchtower. I’ve never heard Bob Dylan’s version, but I’ve listened to Jimi Hendrix’s version 100x. Did I know the Migos recorded Versace before Drake hopped on it? Absolutely, not.