Look What the Phillies Losing Has Done to the Women in the Xfinity Live Bathroom

Kyle Pagan | November 3, 2022

It’s anarchy in the women’s bathroom at Xfinity Live! But just like the Phillies tonight there was a lot of soft contact made here:

Shoutout to the one girl Iverson stepping over the carnage.

Listen, if I had to wait 30 minutes just to take a piss after watching that game I’d be pretty wound up too. How about the girl reversing a rear naked choke from Mike Schmidt and then connecting with an overhand right while on the ground. More fight in her than the entire Phils lineup tonight. I’m sad the video cut out. Schmidtty might’ve had the higher ground, but white had open guard ready to counter. I think Xfinity Live! might have to set up an entire UFC promotion with these chicks headlining the main event so we can see how it ends. Matt Gelb vs. Marcus Hayes and Jamie Apody in a handicap match can be on the undercard.

This is what Xfinity Live! is like when the Phillies lose. When the Phillies win it’s complete night and day: