TMZ Sports obtained video of T.O. fighting a heckler outside a CVS in Inglewood, CA:

No word on if T.O had to get his shoes first or not.

Via TMZSports:

I gotta know if the heckler was shirtless in the store or took it off when he was about to fight. I have a strict rule about not fighting guys who take their shirts off. Usually that dude has a couple fights in public under his belt and nothing to lose. That goes double if he has his last name tattooed across his chest. You don’t want to fight a guy who needs to be reminded every morning how to spell his last name in the mirror.

My other fighting rules:

  1. No fighting guys with cauliflower ear
  2. No fighting British dudes
  3. No fighting in stadiums if I don’t have the high ground in the 100-200 level
  4. No fighting in stadiums if I DO have the high ground in the 300-400 level
  5. No fighting (I’m a giant pussy)