Terrell Owens Dropped a Heckler Outside of a CVS
TMZ Sports obtained video of T.O. fighting a heckler outside a CVS in Inglewood, CA:
Terrell Owens still got hands (via @TMZ_Sports) https://t.co/aRGKR7244O
— Crossing Broad (@CrossingBroad) November 27, 2022
No word on if T.O had to get his shoes first or not.
Owens tells us he intended to quickly stop by the store and grab a few necessities. While inside, T.O. says a 49ers fan approached him and they had a friendly conversation. That’s when things took a turn.
Terrell says a second man — the guy who was ultimately clocked — started talking crap to the fan Owens was conversing with. The aggressor threatened to beat up the men outside, according to witnesses.
The group eventually made their way outside to the sidewalk in front of the store. Terrell was playing peacemaker, according to a witness. Unfortunately, the heckler who allegedly started the confrontation just minutes earlier inside the store took an unprovoked swing at Owens.
I gotta know if the heckler was shirtless in the store or took it off when he was about to fight. I have a strict rule about not fighting guys who take their shirts off. Usually that dude has a couple fights in public under his belt and nothing to lose. That goes double if he has his last name tattooed across his chest. You don’t want to fight a guy who needs to be reminded every morning how to spell his last name in the mirror.
My other fighting rules:
- No fighting guys with cauliflower ear
- No fighting British dudes
- No fighting in stadiums if I don’t have the high ground in the 100-200 level
- No fighting in stadiums if I DO have the high ground in the 300-400 level
- No fighting (I’m a giant pussy)