German Reporter Asks Nick Sirianni About Eagles Fans Throwing Snowballs at Santa

Kyle Pagan | January 27, 2023

A German reporter was at Nick Sirianni’s Friday press conference with one mission. Ask about the snowballs thrown at Santa:

Zey threw ze ballz of snow at ze Santa?

I am happy to relitigate the past with any German who would like to. Lets start with kicking your ass in World Wars I and II.

Nick Sirianni’s getting a lot of shit around the league from other teams’ fans about how cocky he is. How can you hate him after listening to this? He could’ve brushed that question off and gave a couple of sentences and got back to watching film. Instead he treated it with respect and reverence like it was being asked by one of the Eagles beats that has been there all season:

P.S. Did I also hear we booed a dog during a halftime show? Are we known for that internationally too? Because that’s a sack of shit lie: