Howard Eskin Knows Why the Eagles Called that Super Bowl Timeout, He Just Can’t Tell Us Yet (updated)

Kevin Kinkead | March 27, 2023

Howard “The King” Eskin is out in Arizona for the NFL’s annual league meeting, likely carrying water for the Eagles in the desert.

He went on Joe Giglio’s show a little before 2 p.m. our time and pulled the most Howard thing of all time, telling us that he learned why the Eagles called a third quarter timeout in the Super Bowl, while stopping short of actually spilling the beans:

“I found out, but I’ll confirm it tomorrow. I’ll find a way to confirm it, but I already know what happened. At some point I will relay it to you guys and everybody else.

Wow, thanks Howard! Good reporting from The King. He probably got this information off the record, and since he’s a total shill for the Eagles, can’t report it without upsetting someone there.

Let us know when you can relay it to us, King.

EDIT- he finally spilled the beans, and it’s boring: