This Guy Bet Against the Entire Sportsbook
I was at Oceans Casino + Resort at the Gallery Sportsbook over the weekend and it was awesome! And not because they paid me to say that. As a guy who grew up in his 20s cramming eight dudes into a hotel room at Taj Mahal and The Trop, you don’t understand how good the other half lives until you experience it. From the sportsbook to the room to the 18 oz. New York Strip at American Cut it’s truly remarkable to see how they re-developed this place. It’s the best place in AC to watch March Madness…unless you were on Duke. And everyone there was on Duke:
Nothing worse than watching a guy shove it in your face while you’re losing a game. We don’t unit shame here, but I’m pretty sure this dude had like $60 on Tennessee and a guy like three people down had $10k on Duke. Surprised we didn’t get a bottle tossed at us from the other side of the bar, but that’s just a testimony to how great the patrons are at Oceans Casino + Resort. How about that sweat on the Tennessee live bet? A real “where were you” when type of moment. You never forget those moments with your buddies.
Check out the TikTok as well:
@crossingbroad This whole sportsbook @theoceanac was on Duke…😬 #marchmadness #ad #oceanacpartner #dukebasketball #tennesseebasketball #vols #dukebluedevils #tennesseevols