Mark Abramson via The New York Times wrote an article on delivery drivers and the fact people are less inclined to tip now due to contactless delivery. He had this little blurb about Doc Rivers blessing an Uber Eats driver:

There are moments of jubilation, like when he received a $130 tip from Doc Rivers, the former Los Angeles Clippers coach who is now coaching in Philadelphia. 

I feel like if you polled Sixers fans most would agree that Doc Rivers the person is awesome, but Doc Rivers the coach isn’t their favorite. The article doesn’t go into what Doc ordered or how big his order was, but $130 is $130 in any situation. Especially during the pandemic. That’s just a good dude being a good dude.

Now that we’re out of the pandemic though we gotta talk about the whole tipping thing with these delivery apps. I feel like it’s all over the place. Growing up I worked in the bar industry so I know firsthand how important tips are. There isn’t another job that makes you rely on the generosity of others to pay your bills. We’re basically panhandling, but we get a W-2. I’ve been in situations when I needed a good night just so I could pay rent the next day and I wouldn’t wish that soul sucking feeling on anyone. But some of these fees and shit on DoorDash and Uber Eats is wild. If I spend $100 on pizza and wings am I expected to tip 20% when all the DoorDash guy does is pick up the food and drive it to my place? He drove five minutes. I met him at the door. I’m not talking about completely stiffing the guy, but 15-18% should be enough, right? Especially when they already make a wage on the delivery. Now apps like Instacart to me are different. If someone is shopping for my groceries I’ll give them the customary 20-25%. You’re doing something for me I was either to busy or to lazy to do. There’s an entire list and you have to actually work to fulfill my order. I mean you could argue the delivery guy getting your pizza is doing the same thing, but I don’t know it doesn’t feel the same.

Also, tipping culture has gotten out of control. Everywhere now wants you to tip. I’m sorry to all the baristas that read Crossing Broad, but you poured a cold brew. Do I really owe you $1? I would do it myself if you let me. Wawa does, but they left the city.  Don’t think I haven’t noticed that a cup of coffee doubled during the pandemic. I know it’s your dirty little secret.

I’d be interested to hear what people think. Does this make sense? Am I on an island with this? What is a horse shoe? What does a horse shoe do? Are there any horse socks? Is anybody listening to me?