Concession stands weren’t ready for a sell out Dollar Dog Night crowd:

The lines took longer than Aaron Nola’s entire outing:


That’s why it warms my heart to see Phillies fans sharing dogs with their fellow fan:

Some are going to scream and bitch and say this was a “food fight”. This is actually how we share in Philly. Just a bunch of Robinhoods walking around CBP tonight sharing with the less fortunate. For Phillies fans to find it in their heart while their watching their “ace” get his dick kicked in again speaks volumes to the type of people in this fanbase. Remember, the last time Phillies fans gave out Dollar Dogs for free the Phillies went to the World Series:


Need more guys like this #phillies #philliesfans #philliesfan #philliesbaseball #philliesgame #dollardognight #hotdogs #philly #phillytok #fyp #fypphilly #dollardog #bryceharper #phillysports #philliesnation

♬ original sound – Kyle Pagan

P.S. CBP employees after Dollar Dog Night. Those people deserve hazard pay: