What Does Saucon Valley Have Against Satan?

Kevin Kinkead | April 13, 2023

From Channel 69 News up in the Lehigh Valley:

Saucon Valley School District is defending its decision to not allow an “After School Satan Club” to meet in district facilities.

The district filed a court briefing Tuesday, in response to The Satanic Temple’s motion to stop Saucon Valley from prohibiting the club from meeting on school property, the district said in a news release. The after-school group falls under the umbrella of the Satanic Temple organization, which bills itself as an “alternative to religious clubs.”

In its response, the district says it decided to rescind the club’s approval because it found out the club violated advertisement policies on social media.

The Satanic Temple’s advertisement on social media was misleading, the district said, and made it sound like the district was sponsoring the club, not just that the district was allowing the club to meet in school facilities.

The social media postings had a “cataclysmic effect” on district operations when a North Carolina man threatened the middle school, Saucon Valley says. The threat forced the district to close schools for a day in February while authorities investigated.

That’s when the district learned of the club’s advertising violations.

Parents and community members were also misled, and the district received an “avalanche” of calls and emails, “confused and concerned that the district was sponsoring a club ‘for Satan,'” the briefing says.

Ehh, seems like a big misunderstanding here. Advertisement adverschmizement. If the kids of the Lehigh Valley wanna worship Satan, it’s not a big deal. At Boyertown we had some kind of thing where the religious students would go out to the flag pole in the morning and do a prayer service. No harm, no foul. They weren’t making us come out there with them to worship with them. Nobody forced anyone to do anything. We just hid in the National Honor Society “tutoring” room and played Nintendo 64 until the home room bell rang.

What should happen here is that everyone gets together and works out the advertising snafu, then “The After School Satan Club” resumes business as usual. Let the kids be kids! Hail Satan!