FOX 29 Reporter Hit by Pellets, Rolls Through Live Shot Anyway

Kevin Kinkead | May 18, 2023

FOX 29’s Shawnette Wilson was hit by pellets during a live shot:

I appreciate the way she laughs and just sort of rolls with it. Then she gives a sideways glance that says “If I catch you, I will beat that ass.” Getting hit during a live shot is enough to spook anybody, especially with the state of gun violence in the city, but she continues on and shrugs it off. That’s the sign of a veteran who has seen some shit.

Typically what happens during a live shot is that the photographer functions as a body guard of sorts. Like if there’s a dickhead who tries to jump in front of the camera, the photog shoves them out of the way, and keeps an eye out for rascals in the vicinity. It’s hard for the reporter because they’re focused on the camera, so you don’t exactly have your head on a swivel. And in this case, it’s not like the photog can chase after people who were firing projectiles from afar.

Cherelle Parker is gonna have to tackle this mess when she takes office. Here she is walking into office on day one: