Peter King in his Football Morning in America column today thinks the Eagles could play the Giants in the first ever Amazon Black Friday game:

I think, with the schedule due to be announced the second week of May—in other words, next week—this is the column, maybe nine or 10 days out, when I usually have a good feeling about some of the tentpole games. This year, I have no gut feeling about any of them, except maybe the Black Friday game. The first game ever on Friday afternoon after Thanksgiving is a very big deal for Amazon on the biggest shopping day of the year. I think the leader in the clubhouse for that game is Eagles-Giants. Absolutely not set in stone, though.

I love the idea of a Black Friday game ! If there is any way to get NFL football on every single day during the week while keeping these guys from getting their noggins scrambled I’d be all for it. Having a Black Friday game is great start! Last year, we had USA vs. England in the World Cup on Black Friday and it drew a record in U.S. viewership for a men’s soccer game. Having a football game on Black Friday is a no brainer. First it’s a perfect day to take off, some companies even give employees off, and get your weekend started early. Black Friday doesn’t matter anymore for people in my generation. Everything I need to get friends and family can be found on Amazon a week before Christmas. No more waiting at Kohl’s in a line wrapped around the entire store or tasing an old lady in a Walmart for the last 50% off air fryer.

This gives you time to practice finding the Prime Video app with your dad so he doesn’t call you 10 minutes before kickoff freaking out. Good news though, it’ll be an easier sell for him since he won’t have to pay for the game as it will stream for free on Amazon Prime. Also, if the missus still wants you to come Black Friday shopping with her just so she can use you as a professional line sitter the game won’t start until 3 pm. Don’t worry. You’ll be able to cancel out all that money she spent with a Boston Scott ATD bet.

P.S. Are we all going to be worthless sacks of shit on the couch watching football from Thursday to Sunday this year?