Shark Sends a Message to Shoobies this Summer After Biting 15 Year Old

Kyle Pagan | May 23, 2023

Head on a swivel if you plan on going in past your knees this summer. The sharks aren’t messing around, via Matt Petrillo and Alicia Roberts at CBS3:

“A Chester County teenage girl survived a shark attack over the weekend in Stone Harbor, New Jersey.

The teen, Maggie Drozdowski, shared her story of survival in hopes no one else goes through it.

Drozdowski, a trained dancer turned surfer, is in good spirits and walking on crutches Monday after a shark bit her foot so hard she required several stitches. It happened Sunday afternoon while she was surfing near 110th Street in Stone Harbor.

“I was in shock and I didn’t even realize what was going on until I was out of the water. But it scared me. I screamed under the water. It was scary,” Drozdowski said.”

It’s crazy there hasn’t been a reported shark attack since 2006. I feel like we’d average one a year at the Jersey Shore since people always see them. I just looked at the shark tracker at, and there’s almost 20 swimming off the coast from Long Island down to Atlantic City:

They could all be on your doorstep come Friday. That one basically playing blackjack hands at the Borgata is a five-foot white shark named Mission. He hasn’t been spotted in six years. He could be dead or he could be everywhere. There’s an eight-footer named Jekyll chilling out in Toms River plotting his attack. He’s made it all the way from Jacksonville to NJ in less than 100 days. The reverse Doug Pederson:

I’m just saying. Just cause you don’t hear about sharks doesn’t mean they aren’t out there. If you’re keeping score at home, that is 1-0 middle class. All you losers with sick beach houses ready to drink 100 beers, get an epic tan, hook up, and throw napkins can suck it. I’ll be safe in Philadelphia with no sharks, no seagulls, and no windmills while all of my appendages remain intact:


By the way, what are NBC10 and FOX 29 doing? Are they trying to protect the shark? Look at these tweets.

“…likely bitten by a shark…”

“…possible shark attack…”

Does this shark have lawyers or something? Is the news waiting for the shark to be read its Miranda Rights? What other man-eating animal swims in the ocean and inhabits the Jersey Shore? Did they think a rogue dolphin did this?

via CBS3

This would never happen at ATN.