We had 3x Super Bowl champion and Boyertown alum James Develin on Crossing Broadcast Tuesday.

He retired from football a few years ago due to a neck injury, but is now living full time in Brigantine and runs a coffee and smoothie place called “Soulberri.” He’s got a second location opening this week in Ocean City:


The new location is at 338 Ocean Avenue in Ocean City. They’re cutting the ribbon at 1 p.m. this Friday. Here’s the blurb for ya:

Soulberri is a unique and forward-thinking brand serving fun, healthy and family friendly food now open in America’s favorite beach town, Ocean City, NJ. The menu consists of fresh homemade Acai bowls, creative fruit and vegetable smoothies and high quality locally roasted coffee drinks. At Soulberri we pride ourselves on excellent customer service in a cool vibe, welcoming atmosphere while serving up the freshest products.

Jimmy talked on the show about how he got involved:

“I retired right before COVID and knew I wanted to work for myself. After playing football you kind of get that.. you like to be control of your time. I was so out of control of my time for so long. I had three kids at the time and fourth during COVID. So I wanted to give myself to my family and kind of control my time. I thought entrepreneurship, that’s what I’m gonna do, took some classes through the NFLPA, met some people, thought I was going to go into fitness naturally, as an athlete. Ended up bailing on that idea then I met the guy who owned Soulberri in Brigantine, and I had been a customer for years and loved it. My kids love it. He was looking to sell. He owns some property down in Costa Rica and was a builder and he wanted to go down there and build some surf camps. We started negotiating and things happened organically and I ended up buying the business off of him. Now my entrepreneurial dream is to try to grow this thing. It’s the success in Brigantine, and we want to take it and replicate and create the same kind of vibe we have.”

It looks really good, swing through and check it out if you’re in Brigantine or OC.

Full episode here: