Dwyane Wade chose Allen Iverson to induct him into the Basketball Hall of Fame.



AI is one of the reasons D-Wade wears #3:

This is awesome! Two of some of the best shooting guards in NBA history that had similar games culminating in one of the greatest moments in Wade’s life. The ceremony is on August 12th in Springfield, MA and if it’s anything like Iverson’s speech back in 2016 it’s going to be funny and from the heart:

Is it a hot take that I think the Basketball Hall of Fame is the best one of the four major sports? Now I’ve never been to Canton for the football Hall of Fame or Toronto for hockey, but I feel like people put Cooperstown on this pedestal that’s looked at as the peak. It’s cool. They do a great job with it and Cooperstown is light years better than the area where the basketball Hall of Fame is. Still I love the Basketball Hall of Fame. I’ve been there twice and there was so much to do each time. Whether you want to play on the court, measure your shoe size and wingspan up against Shaq, do the broadcaster challenge, and play that one on one game with a virtual NBA player who just stuffs your shit the whole time. In Cooperstown all I remember is the plaque gallery and watching “Who’s on First”. Give me the basketball Hall of Fame over Cooperstown 10 times out of 10.