As you know, the Philadelphia Phoenix finish their season Saturday against the Toronto Rush on Dollar Tomato Pie Night. Dollar Dogs are out. Dollar Slices are in… for Saturday and Saturday only. I’ll be making my triumphant return to Northeast Philly for the first time since the Phillies clinched the pennant and again I plan on leaving a champion. Because at halftime of the Phoenix game, I will be in the tomato pie eating contest:

The match is at the James Ramp Complex right across from Father Judge. If I puke midway through it’s because I probably got nauseous looking at all the powder blue.

It’s also Fan Appreciation Night so there will be a bunch of giveaways and ultimate frisbee is full of non-stop action from world-class athletes. Take my word for it:

Just realize, if you don’t show up, can you really call yourself Philly 6 for 6?

**I also need a cameraman to shoot this vlog style if you’re around from 7ish to 8:30 and you’re not doing anything. I’ll pay you and you’ll probably get free tomato pie. Contact me here, here, or here if you’re free.