Wawa is Once Again Trying Pizza
The first two times for Wawa and pizza didn’t mesh, so they’re trying for number three. It at least looks edible:
Wawa Pizza!! @Wawa 💖 Hits just right at 11pm~ pic.twitter.com/Iwn3gEadXw
— LeoLady88 🧘🏼♀️ (@yield2mayfield) July 15, 2023
You can find what Wawa stores will be selling pizza for now here. A plain 14-inch will run you $12.99 and a 16-inch goes for $15.99.
How does it taste? Lets go to the Internet:
@codychows WAWA WITH THE WAP (Wings and Pizza) 😳 #asmrmukbang #mukbang #asmreating #wawa
Here’s a review for the people. This one dude is high as shit, which I feel like better represents Wawa’s target pizza demo:
If it’s better than 7-11 and Little Caesars pizza, then Wawa might have a winner here. 7-11 pizza tastes like it sat in your car underneath your seat for a week and was heated up in a toaster oven. Little Caesars smells like everyone working in the back took it out of the oven, farted on it, and closed the box before the smell could get out.
Short story: My buddies and I visited Notre Dame for the Temple game in 2017. Temple gets their asses kicked and we’re sunburned and hungover ready to drive from South Bend to Chicago to catch our flight back to Philly. We made a pit stop at a Dunkin’. Connected to the Dunkin’ was a Little Caesars. Mind you it was 9 a.m. in the morning. Why a pizza joint is open that early should’ve been the first warning sign. Everyone gets Dunkin’ like normal civilized humans except one guy who comes back in the 10 person passenger van with Little Caesars. At 9 a.m.! It was my first experience with the Pizza Pizza and it’s been my last. The smell was so unbearable we made him throw it out at a rest stop a mile down the road. He went hungry for the entire two hour trip back. Fuck Little Caesars forever.
This was probably my buddy later that night after he ordered another one when he got home:
Back to the Wawa pizza. It looks like good drunk pizza. Will I go out of my way to get it? No. But when it comes to late night food delivery options Philly has stunk since the pandemic. So I might not have a choice. Drunk pizza in my area is limited to either this or Papa John’s and not even Shaq can fix the Papa. But when you’re blasted on tequila shots catch me looking like Hasselhoff polishing off a burger in my living room:
P.S. Did you know back in the 90s Wawa partnered with Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Krispy Kreme, and Dunkin’ Donuts and would sell those products out of their stores? I can picture Dunkin’ Donuts since I have a special relationship with the donut cabinet at Wawa from childhood. An apple fritter or a coffee roll donut right before a soccer tournament hit the spot. But I can’t imagine going to Wawa and ordering a Chalupa or Crunchwrap Supreme. Anyone who lived through this monumental time remember if The Bell was any good?
Kinkead: anybody like Grotto Pizza? Grotto Pizza is pretty sick