Bryce Harper joined Franzke and LA following the KC series win and had this to say about Philly sports fans and the Trea Turner ovation:

“Everybody talks about it, right, like, ‘Oh it’s one of the hardest places to play and free agents don’t want to come here because it’s hard.’ But they just don’t understand. They don’t get it. They don’t get what it’s like to play here day in and day out, having the fan base that we do, and the way they go about it. (It’s) hard, right? But it’s incredible. I wouldn’t want a fan base, I mean I’m standing here getting chills because it’s like, I wouldn’t want a fan base any other way. They want you to work hard, they want you to play hard, they want you to perform, they’re spending their hard-earned dollar to come watch you play each night, but they have feel. They have feel for it also. I mean, I have so much emotion toward it because it’s just, I absolutely frickin’ love it. I don’t want to play anywhere else. I wish I started my career here, just the way it is and how lucky we are to do this. Just such an incredible moment for him (Trea Turner) to be able to go out there and know that the fans have his back and have our teams’ back. That should be something for us too, as a team, to take advantage of and know like, they got us. No matter what, they got us. Being able to know that on a personal level and on a team level as well, there’s nothing greater. I can go on and on, we just have such a great fan base and I am so thankful to be here and be a part of it.”

Yup. No lies detected. And I think you can roll your eyes at the standing O while also believing that booing was not the answer. There were plenty of people out there buying Trea Turner stock when he was struggling, while some wanted to sail him down the Delaware River.

Nick clipped the whole thing here, it’s three parts: