Did you know there is a country-wide search for the best mullet? Well now you do. And our guy, Rory “Cheddar Wiz” Ehrlich, out of Pottstown is smoking the Mullet Champ USA kids division:


That’s still not enough. I want Lil Joe Dirt to gut the competition! So vote for him here because voting ends on August 11th and this mullet looks like it pitched for the ’93 Phillies:


He’s got some stiff competition, too. Look at some of these!

How do you compete with kids named Axel and Brantley? Those kids were born to shotgun apple juice and grow mullets:

If Dalton Ellis was born 20 years earlier he’d still be getting residuals for playing young Joe Dirt:

O’Doyle rules:

I’m pretty sure Kamden Cunningham would kick my ass and than steal my girlfriend:

Still, we’re riding with Cheddar Wiz here because he’s got something none of these kids could ever. The ultimate blessing from the Mullet God himself Tuesday night:

According to Preston and Steve, his baseball team calls him “Cheddar Wiz” because he loves cheesesteaks and they refer to his mullet as “cheddar.” If he wins the competition he’ll get $5,000, and, according to Alfred Lubrano at the Inky, he doesn’t even plan on spending it on himself:

Rory is hoping to win the $5,000 first prize, Ehrlich said. Selfless as he is au courant, Rory has pledged to use any winnings to buy his 7-year-old sister, Emmaline, an alpaca. “She wanted one for two years,” he said matter-of-factly.

Selfless. Humble. Chill. All great characteristics of a future mullet champ.

P.S. Mullet Champ partners with former NFL defensive end Jared Allen’s foundation Homes 4 Wounded Warriors. The donations Cheddar Wiz racks up goes to a foundation for building homes for wounded military veterans. You can donate to the charity in Rory’s name here.