Tuesday night the Media Little League team played against Washington, DC two games away from Williamsport and absolutely crushed them 16-3! Trevor Skowronek busted it open in the second after Media spotted DC three runs. What a pimp job! Nobody pimps homers like the children of Delco:

What a hoss! That’s a future Ocean Drive bouncer if I’ve ever seen one!

They chased the DC pitcher in the second inning after he threw 57 PITCHES! 57! IN ONE INNING!


Someone call CPS!

This team doesn’t just mash though. They have the perfect balance of swag and fundamentals. It’s like if Tom Emanski and Deion Sanders had a bunch of kids and decided to raise them in Delco. They’re choking up and hitting with two strikes like their MLB heroes:


And they’re loose. Oh boy are they loose:


This is my favorite PA Little League team since Mo’ne Davis and the Taney Dragons. I just don’t know if I’m ready to share them with the world. Don’t get me wrong I want them to get to Williamsport. But is the world ready for Delco? Is Delco ready for the world? I mean we haven’t even started interviewing the parents yet. Imagine what’s going to happen when that accent gets out like a virus out of a Wuhan lab. The world will never be the same.


P.S. I need this Miller High Life “Media” shirt. If they sell them at the Media Little League snack stand that couldn’t be more perfect Delco:
