Henry Bushnell at Yahoo Sports:

FIFA president Gianni Infantino sauntered down the sideline at AT&T Stadium on Sunday, then settled into the front row of a luxurious suite. He is not much of an American football fan; but Jerry Jones had invited him to the palatial home of the Dallas Cowboys, and it wasn’t difficult to connect a few dots.

Infantino is the most powerful man in the world’s most popular sport, and will soon choose a host for the 2026 World Cup final.

Jones has been pitching his palace as the ideal host, and officials in bidding cities believe a decision is near.

Not sure how or why it happened, but Dallas is being talked about as a frontrunner to host the final. If the Big D gets the game, it will have beaten out MetLife, Sofi, and the eight other American host cities. Typically the World Cup final is held in the biggest city or the capital city of the host country, but with Pasadena hosting in 1994, and Washington not even selected as a host this year, it feels like New York or Dallas would be next in line. Jerry World wasn’t built for soccer, but it’s pretty damn big and you’d have a ton of people there. I don’t know what other stadiums truly have a shot. San Fran? Houston?

Personally, I think the American football team that gets closest to the Super Bowl over these next two seasons should win the right to host the World Cup final. Let’s put some competition into the mix, yeah? We know the Cowboys and Giants won’t sniff the NFC title game, so congratulations! – Philly is hosting the final.