Mama Kelce was on TMZ talking about Taylor Swift of course. In the interview she mentioned the NFL thanked her personally for the Kelce’s making the league millions of dollars FOR FREE:

“All I can tell you is the NFL is laughing all the way to the bank. They’re getting the ramifications of everything. I can tell you this that they told me personally that the Kelce family has done more PR for football than they could’ve paid a million dollars to a PR firm.”

Awesome. Lets grease some palms in the Kelce’s direction now. They scratch your back NFL, you scratch theirs. And what I mean by grease their palms I’m talking about the narrative surrounding the “Brotherly Shove”. Because I feel like Kinker has the best prediction for the future of it that I’ve heard so far:

Now that the Kelce’s have made the NFL millions and will continue to make them millions how about we look the other way next year when the competition committee tries to bring up banning the play. Maybe we kidnap Peter King and send him off to the Allagash Brewery in the Sky. Sweep this one under the rug like you did concussions for all those years. Yea three Giants players might’ve gotten injured running it, but that’s because Brian Daboll said the Giants never practiced it. Of course people are going to get injured when you don’t practice something. But look at Justin Fields last night. He went 3 for 3:

The NFL is a copycat league and teams are starting to get the hang of it. It’s like when Miami first introduced the WildCat. It was unstoppable. Teams adopted it. Ran it with success. Then defenses learned how to scheme against it and now you rarely see it. But for now can we let my team reap the benefits for as long as they can? Stop sending your silly little memos to the Eagles during the week and stop warning officials about it when they can’t even get the call right:

It’s the least you can do because this Taylor Swift cash cow might be coming to a roadblock. I don’t think Mama Kelce approves of the relationship:

Or maybe she just wants to get the NFL back to football #FootballGal.