Security Guard DECLEATS Kid Running From the Cops in Jetro Before Game 7

Kyle Pagan | October 24, 2023

Holy shit:


What a bait and switch by the security guard here!

Like Sean Desai utilizing a spy on a running QB. Lull them into a false sense of security just to pounce when they break the pocket. This dude has been watching tape.

I’m telling you. Gary going viral for tackling the kid on the field after Game 2 (which feels like a year ago at this point) has given security guards everywhere a different gear. We had the dude down in Alabama flatten a runner over the weekend:

Now we have the BDawk of Jetro laying motherfuckers out.

I’ll tell you what…I love this for the Phils. It’s Game 7 for security too. No one is holding back. If the guys outside know how big tonight is just imagine how jacked up the players are feeling.

P.S. Love the jerkoff in the red coming to help after the kid got clobbered. What were you going to do some vigilante justice or something? Let the professionals do their jobs. It’s probably just some kid running away from an underage and this guy wanted to steal the joy of some dumb 18 year old running from the cops. We need less wannabe heroes. More people who just mind their business. They give those out in Jetro like candy.