Holy shit this Mavs broadcaster just went in on James Harden for two straight minutes before the game. Listen to this and tell me the NBA Cup doesn’t mean anything:

Jesus Christ what did James Harden do to this guy? Did he fuck this dude’s daughter or something? I mean nothing he said was unfair I’m just genuinely confused why the Mavs TV guy felt like he needed to be the one to take it upon himself. Do these two have a history I’m not aware of? I have so many questions. He literally just went line by line of the last three years of James Harden’s career and it gradually got meaner.

And the mic drop at the end? My goodness! This dude called his shot and delivered like he’s Babe Ruth:

How did James Harden respond? Pretty well:

And then it all unraveled:

James Harden’s commitment to the bit when there is a trophy on the line is legendary.