Eagles fans have lost their minds. A local podcast wants to go to NovaCare Thursday morning and give the team a standing ovation as they arrive. Details here if you’re into that:

Don’t get me wrong, it’s a nice gesture. Could use more positivity in a world that doesn’t give much. Especially around the holidays. Free coffee and donuts, too. But you could also ask how much is this clout for your podcast vs. a genuinely good gesture. Two things can be true.

Me? I say fuck this. We can’t become the fanbase that defers to standing ovations every time the going gets tough. The season ebbs and flows. Fingers crossed, we’re at rock bottom right now. We need more accountability and fewer standing ovations.

We had an awesome moment this Phillies season. Lets not water it down. Get out of the echo chamber of sports and social media and go outside for a walk.

This is what I wrote in the Trea Turner ovation story back in July. I hated the ovation. Still kinda do. I don’t even think I was on the wrong side of history. All you had to do was read the back of the baseball card to know Trea Turner would break out of his slump. But even I can admit the ovation probably gave him that extra little oomph:

I’m pissed off, confused, and angry like everyone else that we have a $300 million black hole both in the lineup and infield. But now people want to treat him with kid gloves by giving him a standing ovation all weekend. Even as a Trea Turner guy I think this ovation bit stinks.

Life doesn’t work like that.

I think this is also rooted in insecurity from a fanbase that shouts, “No one likes us we don’t care!” while caring more than anyone. The standing O gives us something to point at next time the national media wants to label us bad fans because one person poured popcorn on Russell Westbrook. 

Be honest with yourselves, too. You’re turning to the standing O because you’ve run out of ideas to get him going. Breaking News: you can’t. He’s gotta figure it out himself with the support of his teammates and the organization around him. And he will. He works too fucking hard not to.

I just want to know how long until NovaCare builds a fortress around the entrance like the White House so fans can’t come up to it and do their protests or bits anymore. There has to have been at least one discussion internally. The “Run The Ball” stuff was funny and I even laughed at the Slay and Bradberry trash cans and that guy’s drug dealing shorts. But come on, we’re jumping the shark. Big Dom’s not doing anything on Sundays anymore, have him start digging some trenches for the moat.