We might have the most ratio’d tweet of 2024 on the very first day. Jason Whitlock just wanted to look up the NFL playoff picture without ads for a birthday card about going balls deep:

Here’s the problem…those ads are typically targeted through your search history.

But don’t tell that to Whitlock, who has noticed an uptick in the sexualized ads ESPN has tried to push:

I mean look at the trash ESPN is trying to push on me currently. Can’t I just look at the Eagles squandering the division without ads for a flesh light and a vehicle used to transport ISIS all up in my grill?

Isn’t the SEC propaganda enough?

In Whitlock’s defense, the Mouse has always been horny. Remember the day you discovered all the dirty messages they were putting in children’s movies? Golden schlongs on The Little Mermaid VHS cover or “SEX” being spelt out in the stars in The Lion King. Can’t watch those movies the same ever again: