The achilles heel of Philly sports is the knee. Brandon Marsh will be out for 3-4 weeks after getting a clean up on his left one:

According to Dave Dombrowski, the issue came up a couple of days ago.

Scott Lauber at the Inquirer:

Marsh went on the 10 day I.L. after bruising his left knee crashing into the wall last year so maybe it’s a result of that:

The story right now is that the Phillies lack depth in outfield, but is that true? They’ll now have Nick Castellanos, Kyle Schwarber, Jake Cave, Christian Pache, and Yokedhan Rojas.  Last time I checked they only play three outfielders in baseball. So even if Marsh misses some of the regular season the Phils should be fine plugging in Rojas/Pache right? It’s a 162 game season. I’m not freaking out just yet.



When it comes to the Phillies outfield…Bryce Harper you ARE an outfielder again!