Five Philly-area content creators. Three rounds. Two minutes to hit as many home runs as possible:

I know golf simulators are the cool thing right now, but baseball simulators are even better. Being able to have a home run derby in Citizens Bank Park* is one of the coolest things I’ve ever done in my life. Mix in a chance to use a custom bat from the best bat makers in the country and it’s even better. How has no one thought of this? There are no batting cages in Philadelphia. Guess what was a top-5 search result in Philly last year on Google? “Batting cages near me.” We need more batting cages. Batting cages used to be awesome! Mix in your favorite ballpark and some beers and you’ve got a billion dollar idea on your hand.

I guess I should address my performance in the video. Listen, do I suck? Yea I suck. I quit baseball in 8th grade for a reason (it was because I was scared of the ball). But guess what? The Phillies have a 6’5 guy who hits doubles and a below average amount of home runs batting clean up. I’m not too far off from being in red pinstripes.

Thanks to Victus for having us! Check out their site for the best custom bats, gear, and more in baseball!

*A simulation of Citizens Bank Park