The Nets should start charging Ben Simmons for courtside seats:

What is there really to say about this anymore that hasn’t already been said? Does the guy ever play a game of basketball again? Does he want to play basketball again? I mean he’s stacked $163 million with $40 more coming next year. You’ve won. You’ve hit the grifter lottery. You’d never hear from me again if I had that kind of cheese. And don’t get me wrong injured backs suck. You don’t know how much you use your back day to day until you pull it playing pick-up basketball. Now for the next week you’re walking around with a hunch miserable at everyone and making the weirdest noises as you try to get up from the couch. But the guy has had state-of-the-art medical attention since he’s got to Brooklyn and you’re telling me they can’t find anything to get him right? Epidurals, rehab, cold tub, the works. Nothing.

How is it that he’s only played 57 games since this moment?