Deadspin is being sold and the entire staff is done:

Can you kill something that was already dead?

If you don’t remember the story, all of the Deadspin originals quit about four years ago and went on to form the website Defector. Everybody with talent over there jumped ship, like Philly’s Dan McQuade.

It was in response to new owners coming in and asking them to stick to sports, which resulted in a revolt and changing of the guard. The new Deadspin owners brought in a whole new group of writers who were immediately lambasted as scabs and proceeded to shamelessly write anything that would get clicks, terrible stories like Given that it’s Philly, we can assume racism led fans to wanting Wentz over Hurts, and BREAKING: Adam Schefter is a vacuous turd who embodies white male privilege. Then there was the recent offering from Carron Phillips, who went after the little kid Chiefs fan for wearing “blackface” at an away game. It really was a horrendous site.

So maybe it’s fitting that “Zombie Deadspin” has been killed off in this fashion, thought we should be curious to see what happens from here. Is the Deadspin name even able to be salvaged, or did the scab staff destroy it? What’s the new editorial direction going to be?

(btw I recommend the aptly-named Type O Negative album “Dead Again”)