Nick Castellanos dropped some wisdom while discussing aging in baseball, via Matt Gelb at The Athletic (with ads):

“There’s a lot of baseball players that are like milk,” Castellanos said. “Milk is only good when it’s fresh. And then as you leave it out a while, it spoils. There are some other baseball players that are like wine. What happens with wine?”

It ages well.

“Exactly,” Castellanos said. “Those are the only two kinds. You’re either milk or wine. There’s no in the middle.”

“Wake up babe! A new Nick Castellanos quote just dropped!”

Last season the wine aged well for most of the year, but spoiled in the NLCS. Maybe the grapes weren’t ready to be thrown into distribution yet. They still needed time to marinate in the barrel and get all the tannins and dirt and shit to become more cohesive. Now that we’ve had four months to ferment and age, I’m expecting an even better season out of Castey than last year.

We can add this to the collection of quotes and philosophical teachings Nick has sprinkled in throughout his time here. We had “I don’t have a college degree. I hit baseballs.” –

“I mean, yeah. I fuck with Philly”

“We thrive after we get punched in the mouth.”

“What did you learn?”

“Not a damn thing.”

Castey has an unbelievable way of saying something so basic but making you still stop and think about it. Him and Jalen Hurts couldn’t be more different. Jalen finds a quote from his desktop calendar every day to weave into an answer when the media is spewing rat poison while Castey takes a suspenseful pause and then unleashes the most blunt answer ever. Two cowboys both shooting with their preferred weapons.

Sometimes you’re milk and sometimes you’re wine and then sometimes you’ve had too much wine you let one of your teammates tattoo you: