Wednesday night is why John Kruk and TMac are a perfect booth tandem. That game was a snoozefest. The Phillies didn’t score until the 6th inning and only mustered one run the entire game. Luckily for us, when there’s little excitement, that’s when Kruk shines. My favorite moment is when he has a one liner that leaves TMac fighting for air. I thought we almost lost him last night when Kruk talked about them having a child named Malachi together:

These two in the booth are like a two hour podcast. I know some people think they should just stick to baseball, but I love it. It keeps the game interesting, especially this team that refuses to start hot over the last couple of seasons. I think they might be at their best right now. Taryn seamlessly fits in too.

Kruk is firing on all cylinders early in the season. We’ve had a ton of highlights in only five games. Just last night he talked about his enemy the Phanatic catching fire:

He got a laugh out of Bryce during an interview:

He was absolutely in his element when they interviewed Kofi Kingston about WrestleMania. This is actually the most I think Kruk has ever been engaged in a game:

He’s not here for Barkann’s shit:

He called Taryn the Cowardly Lion:

He’s seeing pitches clearly this season.