Imagine if Torts just went into the offseason without delivering one last press conference moment for Flyers fans to remember. It was never going to happen. He called a former player of his, Brandon Dubinsky, a pissant because he was critical of Torts benching Sean Couturier at the end of the season:

I’m going to miss these.

Here is Dubinsky’s original tweet:

Dubinsky played for Torts on two different teams. Torts stripped him of the A when he was coaching in Columbus so there’s some obvious bad blood there. We’ll never get the entire story about what happened between Torts and Coots and where the communication was lost. Maybe Coots saying he’d been putting in the work and didn’t like the way he’d been treated lately was something he wished he had back. Who knows.

It seems like cooler heads have prevailed or he’s taking the high road during his exit interview a couple days ago:

“I’ve tried not to look back at it honestly, it’s behind me now. I didn’t want to be a distraction or anything, I thought actually the team responded well with three points out of four the next two games. That’s all that mattered really. I may have got caught up in some comments that were a little blown out of proportion, I think just through my emotions, but like I said, it’s behind me and it is what it is. The boys got 3 out of 4 so that’s all that mattered at that point in the year.”