Jayson Werth Confused for WWE Wrestler Edge at Kentucky Derby
No one could be as wrong as this guy was wrong. This guy thought Jayson Werth was Edge the WWE wrestler:
@joy.of.everything While out in Louisville on the eve of The 150th Kentucky Derby, I mistook MLB legend Jayson Werth for the wrestler “Edge”. Coincidentally, the former MLB slugger owns a horse in The Kentucky Derby. This was a sign to put my money on Dornoch! #kentuckyderby #150thkentuckyderby #jaysonwerth #horseracing #thederby #dornoch #phillies
I’d like to see Edge record a .969 postseason OPS.
I love how Werth just ran with it when they initially met. That’s a guy who knows if you just say, “It’s me.” the interaction goes much quicker than explaining to the person who you really are. Werth has mentioned this stuff happens all the time and that he used Edge’s real name, Adam Copeland, when he’d check into hotels during his career:
He actually still looks like Edge more than Edge looks like Edge right now if that makes sense:
Or Jared Leto:
Former MLB star Jayson Werth, owner of Dornoch (22-1), has a hell of a look going at the Kentucky Derby. 🏇⚾️🔥 #KyDerbypic.twitter.com/zpTqAVGO3Z
— Awful Announcing (@awfulannouncing) May 4, 2024
Sure, being a World Series Champ and owner of a Kentucky Derby horse is cool and all, but the coolest thing Werth has ever done was when he showed up to a random men’s league game and hit a nuke:
Jayson Werth once played in a Men’s League game and sent a ball into ORBIT 🚀💣 pic.twitter.com/5ZhrxQlFmE
— Baseball Quotes (@BaseballQuotes1) January 18, 2021