I hate seeing my enemies have fun at my expense:

There was a guy in the stands doing the 9/9/9 Challenge.  Nine dogs, nine beers, in nine innings. Not for the faint of heart. Phillies fans have been doing them in the stands for decades. It’s a copycat league in 2024. Philly makes, New York takes.

Ask the cheeseballs guy from this weekend. It looks oddly like the Philly Chicken Man from over a year ago:

Anyway, the guy ended up running out of glizzies and Mets fans were happy to oblige:

The ended up kicking the guy out, which is justifiable. Can’t have people around him getting rained on by glizzies. Sidenote: I’d love to eat glizzies with this guy (pause) any day, any time. Guy just wants to drink beers and eat glizzies:

But this is the same scenario that happened at the Phillies game last year that got Dollar Dog Night cancelled:


Dollar Dog Night is CANCELED and Phillies Fans are furious #mlb #baseball #baseballdoesntexist #phillies #philadelphia #hotdog #dollardognight #funny #petition

♬ original sound – Baseball Doesnt Exist

Where is the national media on this one? I thought Phillies fans were the only barbarians that didn’t know how to properly behave on Dollar Dog Night. Is nobody talking about this because the Mets can’t sell out a game if their lives depended on it?  Where’s the New York post ridiculing these Mets fans for tossing garbage at each other? Look at these differences in headlines:  


One fanbase is portrayed as garbage-wielding maniacs and the other looks like this was all just clean fun.

How many unoriginal jokes did we endure about these being the same people who threw snowballs at Santa? Thousands. Now the Mets fans turn around and do the same thing and it’s quieter on the Internet than it was in The Garden on Tuesday night.

And I don’t even think Mets fans should be scrutinized. I want people to have fun at baseball games. If watching a guy do the 9/9/9 challenge jacks you up because the play on the field is boring I love that. The Mets are diving headfirst into the promo while the Phillies Suits dive headfirst into a mountain of money like Scrooge McDuck after raising hot dog prices.

I hate to say it, but this is now a Mets promotion. Give the marketing team a raise at Citi:

Somewhere John Weber is in the bowels of CBP behind the Phanatic’s hot dog cannon launching pork missiles at a Phillies intern taped too a bullseye because they didn’t sell enough tickets for BOGO night.

Make CBP Great Again!