I’m not going to stand for the LA influencers coming into our airport and trying to push us around with their soy thinking and matcha lifestyle:


Listen I’m not one to complain but girl… never have I ever experienced this at an airport they are just not having it.. at all. I’m pretty easy going but this is next lev lol

♬ original sound – Joey Zauzig

PHL is spooky, bitch! Welcome to your nightmare! BOO!

Sorry the fluorescent lighting from the Rendell administration isn’t good for a TikTok. Park your ass in A15 with the rest of the poors, download your Netflix shows, and eat your croissant. Good luck charging your phone though, because finding an outlet that works is harder than finding a bathroom that doesn’t have a random puddle of water on the floor. But that’s PHL. It’s gritty. The working man’s blue collar airport. The walls are still stained by cigarette smoke from the passengers before you. You don’t like it? Fly out of LaGuardia.

Those are honestly not terrible gripes when you think about it. Of all the airport things to complain about, rude workers and the lounges being full are probably near the bottom of the list for what most people care about. Long security lines, good places to eat, delayed flights, randomly changing gates, MONORAILS(!) are all far worse problems in my mind. I bet this guy loved not having to take a monorail a mile around the airport just to get to his layover gate. Not to mention “rude” is a distinction. The idea of someone from Philly or New York being rude is a lot different than what they think rude is in LA. I can only envision the first world problems this guy was dumping on a TSA agent.

Here’s LA Scooped bagel guy living in New York for reference:



♬ Theme From New York, New York – 2008 Remastered – Frank Sinatra

It’s also rich to hear someone who flies out of LAX regularly talking any type of shit on PHL. That place is a wasteland designed by arguably the worst people to ever inhabit this Earth. Arguably, I said. Geo-fencing the Uber terminal so you can’t order one before you get to the exact spot it allows is grounds for the worst airport alone. I remember flying into LAX in 2011 and paying $20 for a Big Mac. That’s when I knew LA would never be for me. Today that same Big Mac has probably tripled.

We threw this video up on the Crossing Broad Instagram, asking people to rate PHL 1-10 and what do you know, we got a wide range of insightful answers from different sides of the aisle. Here are some of the best:




Personally, I think the PHL airport isn’t even the top-10 worst in the Eastern timezone.  I could name JFK, LaGuardia, Newark, Dulles, Charlotte, Atlanta, Orlando, Fort Myers, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and Cleveland as being worse. Is it outdated? Absolutely. Can it be a nightmare to navigate when you’re picking someone up? Sure. Are the restrooms an abomination? Not anymore. Phase 5 bitches! Do raccoons sometimes come out of the baggage claim? Allegedly. With AI nowadays this could be a deepfake:

I like PHL for what it is.  I can get to bag check, through security, and to my gate in 30 minutes. This guy didn’t even get to experience the top-5 shortest wait time in the country.  Now, I am a self-proclaimed passenger princess and TSA PreCheck is the best investment I’ve ever made, for what it’s worth. But most airports you need to get there two hours before, not PHL on regular days. And don’t get me wrong, AMEX Lounges and American lounges are a great perk. But overcrowding isn’t just a Philly problem. Give me Dunkin’ and sitting at the gate or hanging at the Jack Duggan’s while waiting for my flight. They’re also spending to improve it. I’m hearing the new Sabrina’s in Terminal C is pretty good.

My only gripe is they have to re-renovate Terminal A West (the International one). They spent too much money on the finger paintings and god knows what this is:

There’s like a Dunkin’, a Chickie’s & Pete’s, and a Mediterranean spot. That Illy coffee joint STINKS which causes a pile up at the Dunkin’. First world, problems I know. But the airport is trying to make itself into more of an international hub. The last impression we leave with our international friends can’t be lukewarm crab fries and coffee Coolatta.