I don’t know if this was common knowledge as a Phillies fan, but I had no idea Ranger Suarez was married and has two kids. It turns out the family resides in Venezuela but recently obtained visas and will be here the rest of the season. Wednesday afternoon was the first time they all saw him pitch professionally:

How’d he fare? Only 5.2 innings, 1 ER, 0 BB, 4 K’s and left with a tie ballgame. I would say bring Ranger’s family to every game, but that stat line is so common this season I don’t know if it’ll matter.

It’s also the first Fathers Day he’s ever spent with his kids:

Imagine Ranger was pitching with a little bit of sadness in his heart this entire time. Now his family is with him the rest of the season. A happy Ranger Suarez is going to be a dangerous Ranger Suarez.

This is cool as shit. Ranger’s kids are going to grow up with 28 of the weirdest uncles in the world. Castey will teach Ranger’s son American customs like how many buttons on a shirt need to be undone at all times. Brother Marsh can teach the daughter how to properly soak your hair during games so it doesn’t frizz in the summer heat. Jose Alvarado will be the reason they get their first detention because he wouldn’t stop hip thrusting around the locker room. Garrett Stubbs will teach them all about vibes. And they’ll get hitting tips from Uncle Bryce. Hot seat Liam Castellanos?

They’ll even get to explore the country after Ranger gets an All-Star nod.

The funny thing is Ranger didn’t even mention to the team that his family would be there:

P.S. Can confirm this one is definitely Ranger’s: