This is the real life Charlie Kelly from Always Sunny in Philadelphia. He’s probably in charge of the rat traps at Ray’s Happy Birthday Bar and I can almost guarantee he’s huffed paint before.


Tom, 35, South Philly, PA Welcome to Boy Room, the show where we investigate boys rooms. We traveld out to Philadelphia to see Tom’s extremely unfinished hazard of a room. Would you live without a door? a show by @Gymnasium #apartmenttour #philadelphia #boyroom #hoarders #messy #gymnasium

♬ original sound – boyroomshow

I immediately wanted to get annoyed by this house and ridicule the dude’s filth, but I can’t. Dudes rule. There’s a Tom from South Philly in all of us. Typically dudes get this out of the way during their 20s. This one just happens to be 35 and never grew up. More power to him honestly. He’s a homeowner. How many people in their early to mid-thirties can say that right now?

You were probably once a Tom from South Philly until you met a great girl who helped you grow up a little and taught you what a top sheet and a throw pillow was. And if you’re still Tom from South Philly have at it! Live your life. I’d be lying if I said I never went to sleep with some laundry on the other half the bed when I was single. It happens. And for some reason I resonated hard with Tom’s bed sheet blinds because I also at one point had bedsheet blinds:

Don’t knock it until you try it.

I’m glad Tom outbid everyone on this house. He probably took it from some New York developer that wanted to squeeze two couples into a duplex. Tom’s a busy guy (sips White Claw). He’s had the Eagles Super Bowl run, the Phillies World Series run, the NLCS run, and now he has to watch every game of the best team in baseball. He’ll get around to the duct work when he’s ready. Look at his buddy carrying the big tube of caulk behind him ready to roll whenever his number is called. The Gruesome Twosome:

Why don’t one of the 10 people who apparently have keys pick up the slack?

The only thing I disagree with Tom on is this statement:


Hey Tom, live your life how you want to live, but you can’t be making sweeping generalizations for all of Philadelphia like this on the Internet. Don’t need people in Albuquerque thinking the corner of our houses are just stuffed with empty Takis bags and Miller Lites. I’ve slept with laundry on the bed, but I’ve never once kept a plastic spoon on my safe:

This is literally Charlie Kelly’s apartment with a little less doors: