Brandon Marsh gets his hair cut by Matt Strahm’s dad. The home runs that typically follow are how he pays Mr. Strahm:

This is pretty awesome. The home run ended up coming Tuesday night.

Brandon Marsh’s hair is sacred ground here in Philadelphia. So I’m not going to say much about it because I don’t want to end up like Adam Wainwright:

I like Brandon Marsh’s hair and beard. Actually if I could grow a beard like that I would. Alright, is that enough? I know Phillies fans will come with pitchforks:

Kruk even took a little bit of a shot at the FOX crew on the broadcast last night:

The funny thing is Wainwright ended up apologizing:

Now I won’t say if Brother Marsh was a Met or a Brave we’d want to puke every time we saw his hair come to the plate. I also won’t say that if he walked up to you at a gas station you’d tell him you didn’t have any money. Nor will I say we’d love our organist if he played “Smelly Cat” while Marsh walked up to the plate. Instead I’ll just say we should all strive to be as follically gifted as Brandon Marsh is: