Anthony is leaving Crossing Broad, per him.  Here’s the message that I think he wrote in a Word document before copy/pasting into Twitter:

It’s been a pleasure working with Ant for seven years. For real. Talk about a pro, someone who was always dependable and consistent, who would always have a finished piece sitting in the hopper. It’s rare to have someone who can cover multiple sports at a high level, break news, and do big J stuff, which is especially unique considering that CB remains a blog and traditionally eschews the old school approach to sports media. We’ve done almost 36,000 posts in 14 years, and the vast majority of those are new school riff-and-react short-form articles, so common knowledge would tell you that classic locker room reporting doesn’t mesh with the brand.

Except – it did.

Because Ant’s stuff was quality and would have worked for The Athletic (now with ads) as much as it did for an irreverent sports blog. What I liked best about the Ant/Pagan/Kinker trio is that I feel like we offered a variety of content for different age ranges and interest levels. For example, if you wanted something deeper, longer, and more traditional, that was Ant. If you wanted a mix of journalism and blathering targeted at a 30-50 age range, that’s me. And then Pagan’s blogging the most random stuff out there, killing it on the video side and appealing to the portion of readers who text first because they think it’s rude to call. We checked a lot of boxes with that approach and collaborated on a lot of sourced reporting over the years, which really added to the product and helped further carve out this unique niche in Philly sports. Ant was a big part of this site growing to the point where we did record site traffic two years in a row, in 2022 and 2023 (maybe 2024 also). Best of luck to him. We’ll have John Tortorella narrate the farewell video.