In case you’ve been living under a rock we have some big ol’ titty gambling drama on the TL. Sometimes by the grace of god a story is handed to you so perfectly on a silver platter. One side is simply thinking “what the fuck is going on?” while the other side is thinking “who the fuck cares?” You could fit each question on each of these girls’ titties. Lets catch you up to speed. This is Taylor Mathis. A girl in the gambling space that loves giving out bets while walking. Why? Two reasons:

The walking bets have taken off! Millions upon millions of impressions! The more things change, the more people stay the same. There’s nothing red-blooded Americans love more than titties and winning money. Mix both together and it’s the perfect recipe for going viral on the Internet. It’s not as lucrative as Taylor’s OnlyFans would be, but that’s the easy way out. Whoever said Millennials are lazy, take a hike. Taylor pores over the data. Extrapolates the numbers. Straps on a push-up bra. Presses record. And walks her way into America’s heart every single day.

But Kyle where is the drama? We need the drama!

According to Lucy Burge, another woman in the gambling space, Taylor Mathis “stole” her bit:

According to Lucy, walking bets was her thing.

Lets check the tapes:

Shout out to animal print week! The fact that nobody is disputing Lucy’s claim, mixed with the fact I’ve only been introduced to Taylor this week I’m going to have to take her word for it. But did anyone think Taylor just took it and made it better? It’s like when SnapChat introduced stories and Instagram just totally ripped it off, but made it better. I mean is Lucy a Puritan? Do you have to wear the entire cow?

Taylor responded:

And then exactly how every girl fight ends on the internet someone cries into their phone and the world keeps spinning:

Enough of this. It’s time to settle the score. Here’s what they need to do. Get these two titans of the game together. One city block. Five plays. Two sets of tits. Whoever hits more plays that night gets to keep doing walking bets. The other has to retire and think of an entirely different schtick. “Loser Leaves Walking Bets” match style.