I’m sorry, but this was hilarious:

The sunglasses to offset the bright lights, the effort it took to get “I like…I like DC,” the slurred speech (Southern drawl?). That dude is clearly seeing Tweety Birds circle his head.

Who knew to get Jalen to start showing some personality and joke with the media his head had to bounce off the field twice (I kid):

He’s talking about beating the protocol like it’s a Candy Crush level:

Now he’s got 10 days to rest up before LA. Get the medulla oblongata healthy again. Still, we need to keep this guy from getting driven into the ground. Those Bible verses and desk calendar quotes aren’t going to hit the same if his brain is rattling around in his head. It’s not going to fun to hear, “Keep the main thing, the main thing” with a couple pauses and drool running down the side of his mouth.

Jalen Hurts talking to the independent neurologist on the sideline: