A.J. Brown, who was spotted reading the book Inner Excellence on the bench Sunday night, talked about his reading habits and non-frustration after the Birds’ 22 to 10 win over the Packers:

See now this is good because he’s getting out in front of it here and controlling the narrative. As soon as they showed him on the sideline reading a book, you knew someone was gonna run with the “A.J. is not focused” and/or “A.J. Brown is unhappy” storyline. That he’s not getting enough targets or isn’t dialed in or whatever people can come up. Perhaps they will push that thought regardless, the here’s bibliophile A.J. telling everyone that there’s no controversy.

If you prefer, video form:

I was not frustrated at all. I figured that’s what y’all probably thought. I wasn’t frustrated. Why y’all always think I be frustrated? I read the book. I like to read.

Good to have that all cleared up. If A.J. is looking for a couple of more books to read, I recommend Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra and Jon Sciezka’s The Stinky Cheese Man.