If you’ve been around the Philly sports scene for even five seconds over the past decade, you are familiar with Giovanni Hamilton, aka Gio the Podcaster. He’s a teenage super fan who suffers from a condition known as Schwartz-Jampel syndrome, which is a combination of dwarfism and muscular dystrophy. Over the years, he’s documented his medical journey, which includes more than a dozen surgeries since the age of two. Now he’s going to college in Philadelphia:

Awesome. This is a double whammy though, because you are really happy for the kid while feeling old as hell at the same time. It feels like it was five minutes ago that Gio was a 13-year-old Carson Wentz fan who was creating this big platform on social media. Now he’s going to be a college freshman. Good god almighty. What happened to us? But seriously, this is really cool. Congrats to Gio. He’s been through more in 17 years than most people face in a lifetime. T Mac wrote a really nice profile a few years ago if you wanna read it – Eagles fan Giovanni Hamilton going viral for all the right reasons.