Sunday will mark the 3rd time in eight seasons that the Eagles have hosted the NFC Championship Game. If you wanna take it back further, the rest of the conference isn’t close:

This actually works better if you back two more years, because then you can round it off at the year 2000 and turn it into the headline of this story. The 2000 NFCCG was Vikings at Giants, and 2001 was Eagles at Rams, so to update Deniz’s chart, LA goes to 2x and the Giants go to 1x.

But still, nobody has hosted more NFC title games this century than the Eagles, and if you want to break it out even further, they’ve played in the game eight times total during that time span, which is more than the 49ers, who have done it seven times. The Packers have been there six times. The Cowboys have 0 NFCCG appearances since Y2K, the Commanders have one (this year), and the Giants three.

What’s sad, of course, is that all of those appearances have resulted in just one Super Bowl ring. The Birds are 3-4 in NFCCGs going back to the year 2000 and 1-2 in the ensuing Super Bowl appearances. Hopefully that changes this year with two more wins.