Some Dumb Eagles Fans are Bringing Us Back to Square One
We were doing so well, Eagles fans. Totally changing the narrative. But now we’re back to square one because of some dickhead Eagles fans at the Packers game showing their ass. Now I’m a big “anything goes in the playoffs (within reason)” guy and I even thought this was a tough watch. This video has been everywhere so you’ve probably already seen it, but if we don’t put it up then we’re hypocrites when we make fun of fighting Cowboys and 49ers fans:
What it’s like going to Philly just trying to root for your team…
Unprovoked, uncalled for. Packers twitter, help me out and find this guy…. this is not okay
I hate that my fiancé had this happen simply cheering for her team pic.twitter.com/aiHCKzxrSS
— Alexander Basara (@Basaraski) January 13, 2025
That should be at least 10 Our Fathers and eight Hail Marys.
We don’t have the full context. Kind of like we didn’t have with the Maple Leafs fans that got clocked at the Flyers game last week. But let’s be honest with each other for a second. If you’re throwing around “ugly dumb cunt” like it’s “Go Birds” this probably isn’t your first rodeo. Hands on the hips like he’s the mike linebacker ready for the next play tells me this isn’t Uncle Ron’s first time in the mud with another fan. His family probably has a group chat full of videos from his latest run ins in the nosebleeds. It just so happens this Packers fan has a steady hand and video editing experience and caught this guy in 4k. Could you imagine the nephew who had to drop this bomb this morning in the group? Talk about Mondays.
The next video is harmless, but it’s still cornball behavior:
@keefsosmoove This Eagles Fan Took a Packers Fan Seat during the game 😂 #keefsosmoove
Just give the guy the seat he paid for. He’s already surrounded by thousands of Eagles fans. He’s been getting chirped from the tailgate to his seat. Do we really need to pull this stunt? We’d be the first ones to call this fan a loser if it was in Jerry World and a Cowboys fan did this. I don’t even see the advantage to this. Now you got some dude letting off hot Swiss cheese farts in your face for the entire game? Talk about an all time backfire. I’m sure bro ended up moving, but if he didn’t I hope his boys are roasting him for his fart fetish.