Watch it over and over again:

Initially it looked like a broken tackle and two stiff arms, but they showed a replay from a different angle where he comes through the first bit of contact with his forearm up in the shoulder/helmet area and therefore we are going to call this a triple stiff-arm.

Incredible play. The angriest run you will ever see. If that didn’t get you up off the couch, you’re a lifeless football husk. It was grown man football and it came during a portion of the game when the Eagles’ offense was sputtering and needed a score. Jalen Hurts threw a quick pass behind Goedert, who caught it and kept his balance somehow, then embarrassed the same guy three times in a row en route to the end zone. It has to go down as one of the all-time great Eagles plays, right? I can’t be the only one thinking this. It was one of the nastiest catch-and-run sequences in franchise history. Here are some awesome shots from Bill Streicher for IMAGN Images: