Of Course Allen Iverson's Next Stop Might Be Puerto Rico
The Allen Iverson experiment went so well for the Turkish team, so now a Puerto Rican league is trying to get AI3 to give them a shot. [Yahoo Sports]
Allen Iverson and Puerto Rico’s professional basketball league are engaged in exploratory talks about a possible deal for the 11-time NBA All-Star, sources told Yahoo! Sports.
Iverson’s business manger Gary Moore has talked with Puerto Rico officials, and the league’s teams are discussing a bidding process to woo Iverson.
The Puerto Rican league, which starts its 30-game season in March, pays its stars about $20,000 a month, plus living expenses, sources said. The league’s commissioner is selling Iverson on the chance to work his way back to a possible return to the NBA.
Iverson reportedly had his reps contact NBA teams, but there was no interest in signing the former star. It's been a rough couple of years for Iverson, who also recently had his bank account taken over by a Georgia judge due to a jewelry debt exceeding $850,000.