Howard Eskin Thinks Erin Andrews Being Filmed Nude in Her Hotel Room was the Best Thing to Ever Happen to Her
I'm not sure what has gotten into Howard Eskin lately. First he reported that Andy Reid to the Cardinals was all but a done deal… then that the hockey season was on the verge of being canceled… then that Gus Bradley was flying to Philly to finalize his contract with the Eagles… then that Bradley was already in Philly, when he was actually flying somewhere over Montana… and now he's made some questionable remarks about Erin Andrews and her peephole incident.
On Eskin's show Saturday morning, a conversation about Manti T'eo with caller Murray for some reason turned to Andrews, and that's when Eskin decided to opine on her being filmed nude in her hotel room:
Howard Eskin: It’s like Erin Andrews ought to thank the guy that shot the nude video of her.
‘Murray’: You’re absolutely right.
Eskin: She was a sideline reporter on the S.E.C. until that happened.
‘Murray’: And I still don’t like her.
Eskin: No, I think she’s terrible.
‘Murray’: No, me too.
I get it. It's the Sex Tape Theory. You couldn't embrace Kim Kardashian as a bonafide celebrity until you saw Ray J go clamming on a surprisingly well-lit bed. And some will argue that you couldn't embrace Andrews as the preeminent sideline reporter until you saw her in a disappointingly-lit hotel room. But still. The circumstances surrounding a sex tape are a little different than being filmed in your hotel room through a peephole. Eskin may not remember Andrews being a household name when the video came out, but she was (at least among mid-twenties dudes), and I'm not so sure it was the thing that made her career (though it may have helped her get on Dancing With The Stars…). Eskin's comment was as incorrect as it was inappropriate, and I'm guessing that the folks at FOX – who, at some level, sign paychecks for both of them – would think so too.
Listen to Eskin's comment after the jump.
via The Big Lead and Sports Rantz, the latter of which chronicled this and another radio host, on Twitter, telling Andrews the same thing… and to get back in the kitchen